Creative Writing Course


Your style is as unique and distinct as your face and voice, what this simply mean is that no two people has same style. In this course we will introduce aspiring writers to the art of putting pressure on written language.
Passionate about crafting irresistible content that can make your readers glued to the page?
Do you Want to attract thousands of readers to your stories, reports and books ?
Do you want to discover the secret, elite persuasive writing techniques known only to the world’s top copywriters, speechwriters and academics specialising in literature?
Do you Want to compel your readers to take action through the power of persuasive reports, proposals, websites and marketing content?
Do you Want to know how to instantly get your ideas out of your head and onto the page – in a way that makes people sit up and take notice?
Do you Want to motivate others to buy your product? Change their mindset? Take on board your ideas?
Do you Want to uncover the secrets of turning snooze-worthy sentences into scintillating prose?
If any of these apply to you, this CREATIVE WRITING COURSE is for you.


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