Owing to the increasing number of population, the need for a high rate production and optimization Arises. Industries are now becoming more complex. Every facet of industry is now tightened to reduce waste in the form of time, material, lives etc one of these areas is safety at any stage. It is now essential to to educate and train both employees and employer on the need of health and environmental safety. The importance of safety was realized because every year millions of industrial accidents occur which result in either death or temporary disablement. The needs of HSE Cannot be overemphasis as every organization needs an HSEM team to checkmate all the activities of its firm to minimize cost and maximize profit.
Course Objectives
What You will learn 1. Introduction to safety & General instruction for safety 2. Accident causes and how to avoid them 3. HSE policies, rule and regulations 4. Safety analysis in workplace 5. Emergency response procedures 6. Key elements & Terms use in HSE field 7. Personal protective equipment (PPE) 8. Permit to work 9. Fire prevention, protection and evacuation procedures 10. Risk assessment and evaluation
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